
We break the prices at DeZender (-60% for life) (29 Sep 2021)

Over the past few months, we have received a lot of requests concerning the revision of our prices.
It’s now done on the batch file prices, with prices reduced by -60% on all our offers !
This offer will remain for life, even on our future services in preparation for file decompilation : PHP 8.0, 8.1, and more.

The Team DeZender

Please help me with this file

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I have a problem, please help me decode this file. Thank a lot.


Thank all you
12 years 2 months ago #698

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All your files are completely decompile.

You will find a first part of your decrypted file (filters.php), to get the rest please place an order on our online store.

The team DeZender

12 years 2 months ago #701

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Dear Admin, please share me the filters.php code. As you see, my code has more than 10 files, i will try this file. If it's good, i sware that, i will make a order. Thank you very much.
12 years 2 months ago #710

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Hello, I've put a file "sample", I can not do more.
12 years 2 months ago #711

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if ( !defined( "_JEXEC" ) )
    exit( "Restricted access" );
class NgrabnewsControllerFilters extends NgrabnewsController

    public function __construct( )
        $FN_-2147483647( );
        $this->registerTask( "add", "edit" );
        $this->registerTask( "apply", "save" );
        $file = JRequest::getvar( "Filedata", "", "files", "array" );
        jimport( "joomla.filesystem.file" );
        $file['name'] = JFile::makesafe( $file['name'] );
        if ( isset( $file['name'] ) && $file['name'] != "" )
            $format = strtolower( JFile::getext( $file['name'] ) );
            if ( $format == "txt" )
                $filecontent = JFile::read( $file['tmp_name'] );
                if ( strrpos( $filecontent, "BEGIN HEADER" ) === false || strrpos( $filecontent, "BEGIN DO" ) === false || strrpos( $filecontent, "BEGIN INFORMATION" ) === false || strrpos( $filecontent, "BEGIN ACTION" ) === false || strrpos( $filecontent, "nntitle=" ) === false || strrpos( $filecontent, "nntype=" ) === false || strrpos( $filecontent, "nnunique=" ) === false || strrpos( $filecontent, "nntrack=" ) === false || strrpos( $filecontent, "nntop=" ) === false || strrpos( $filecontent, "nnbot=" ) === false )
                    JError::raisewarning( 400, JText::_( "The content of file is not filter format" ) );
                    $database =& JFactory::getdbo( );
                    $my =& JFactory::getuser( );
                    $limitarr = NgrabnewsHelper::loadlimitlic( );
                    $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM #__ngrab_filter";
                    $database->setQuery( $query );
                    $countfillter = $database->loadResult( );
                    $contentarr = explode( "\n", $filecontent );
                    $c = 0;
                    $pharsecontent = array( );
                    $i = 0;
                    while ( $i <= count( $contentarr ) )
                        if ( strrpos( $contentarr[$i], "nntitle=" ) !== false )
                            $c = 1;
                        if ( strrpos( $contentarr[$i], "nntype=" ) !== false )
                            $c = 2;
                        if ( strrpos( $contentarr[$i], "nnunique=" ) !== false )
                            $c = 3;
                        if ( strrpos( $contentarr[$i], "nntrack=" ) !== false )
                            $c = 4;
                        if ( strrpos( $contentarr[$i], "nntop=" ) !== false )
                            $c = 5;
                        if ( strrpos( $contentarr[$i], "nnbot=" ) !== false )
                            $c = 6;
                        $pharsecontent[$c] .= $contentarr[$i]."\n";
                    $remote_num = intval( str_replace( "nnunique=", "", trim( $pharsecontent[3] ) ) );
                    $version_num = intval( str_replace( "nntrack=", "", trim( $pharsecontent[4] ) ) );
                    $query = "SELECT id FROM #__ngrab_filter WHERE remote_num=".$remote_num;
                    $database->setQuery( $query );
                    $foundID = $database->loadResult( );
                    $query = "SELECT * FROM #__ngrab_lic WHERE id = 1";
                    $database->setQuery( $query );
                    $ret = $database->loadObject( );
                    $lic_data = pack( "H".strlen( $ret->license ), $ret->license );
                    $nng = new NNewsGrabber( $ret->serial_number, $ret->license_key, $lic_data );
                    $filter_spec = bin2hex( $nng->encrypt_filter( trim( $pharsecontent[0] ) ) );
                    $filters = new stdClass( );
                    $filters->user_id = $my->id;
                    $filters->filter_name = str_replace( "nntitle=", "", trim( $pharsecontent[1] ) );
                    $filters->filter_spec = $filter_spec;
                    $filters->inc_top = str_replace( "nntop=", "", trim( $pharsecontent[5] ) );
                    $filters->inc_bot = str_replace( "nnbot=", "", trim( $pharsecontent[6] ) );
                    $filters->filter_type = str_replace( "nntype=", "", trim( $pharsecontent[2] ) );
                    $filters->remote_num = $remote_num;
                    $filters->version_num = $version_num;
                    $filters->mdate = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s" );
                    $filters->cdate = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s" );
                    if ( $limitarr['limitfilter'] != 0 - 1 )
                        if ( $foundID )
                            if ( 0 < $limitarr['limitfilter'] && $limitarr['limitfilter'] < $countfillter )
                                JError::raisewarning( 400, JText::_( "You have reach the limit number of filter" ) );
                                $filters->id = $foundID;
                                $database->updateObject( "#__ngrab_filter", $filters, "id" );
                                $msg = $filters->filter_name." ".JText::_( "updated successfull" );
                        else if ( 0 < $limitarr['limitfilter'] && $limitarr['limitfilter'] <= $countfillter )
                            JError::raisewarning( 400, JText::_( "You have reach the limit number of filter" ) );
                            $filters->id = NULL;
                            $database->insertObject( "#__ngrab_filter", $filters, "id" );
                            $msg = $filters->filter_name." ".JText::_( "added successfull" );
                        JError::raisewarning( 500, JText::_( "Can not load filter limit infomation" ) );
                    $link = "index.php?option=com_ngrabnews&view=filters";
                    $this->setRedirect( $link, $msg );
                JError::raisewarning( 400, JText::_( "This extension is not allowed" ) );

    public function save( )
        if ( !JRequest::checktoken( ) )
            jexit( "Invalid Token" );
        $task = JRequest::getvar( "task" );
        $post = JRequest::get( "post" );
        $post['filter_spec'] = JRequest::getvar( "filter_spec", "", "post", "STRING", JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW );
        $post['inc_top'] = JRequest::getvar( "inc_top", "", "post", "STRING", JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW );
        $post['inc_bot'] = JRequest::getvar( "inc_bot", "", "post", "STRING", JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW );
        $model = $this->getModel( "Filter" );
        if ( $model->store( $post ) )
            switch ( $task )
            case "apply" :
            $link = "index.php?option=com_ngrabnews&view=filter&cid[]=".( integer )$model->get( "id" )."&hidemainmenu=1";
            $link = "index.php?option=com_ngrabnews&view=filters";
            $msg = JText::_( "Filter Saved" );
            $cache =& JFactory::getcache( "com_ngrabnews" );
            $cache->clean( );
            $msg = JText::_( "Error Saving Filter" );
            $link = "index.php?option=com_ngrabnews&view=filters";
        $this->setRedirect( $link, $msg );

    public function remove( )
        if ( !JRequest::checktoken( ) )
            jexit( "Invalid Token" );
        $cid = JRequest::getvar( "cid", array( 0 ), "post", "array" );
        if ( !is_array( $cid ) || count( $cid ) < 1 )
            $msg = "";
            JError::raisewarning( 500, JText::_( "SELECT ITEM DELETE" ) );
            $model = $this->getModel( "Filters" );
            if ( $model->delete( $cid ) )
                $msg = JText::_( "ITEM DELETE SUCCESSFUL" );
        $this->setRedirect( "index.php?option=com_ngrabnews&view=filters", $msg );

    public function cancel( )
        if ( !JRequest::checktoken( ) )
            jexit( "Invalid Token" );
        $product =& JTable::getinstance( "Filter", "Table" );
        $product->bind( JRequest::get( "post" ) );
        $this->setRedirect( "index.php?option=com_ngrabnews&view=filters" );

    public function edit( )
        JRequest::setvar( "view", "filter" );
        JRequest::setvar( "hidemainmenu", 1 );
        $model = $this->getModel( "Filter" );
        parent::display( );


12 years 1 month ago #744

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It has reached the maximum of weakness by putting a decompilation completely unusable with a "DeZernder Public" for the pleasure I leave !
12 years 1 month ago #746

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